Video Test 2016 SHORTLIST MAA Federico Carpani & Indra Kumar Jha BILLABLE HOURS Robin L. Dahlberg BOOKS OF EVELYN JENEWEIN Mark Chung DISCORDIA Moises Saman DOWNSTREAM FROM MT PINE Dylan Hausthor EAST COURT Charles Johnstone HAY LOFT Dylan Hausthor IT’S BEAUTIFUL WHEN IT FLIES Rinske Former LOOKING FOR THE URSA MAJOR Marie Ilse Bourlanges & Elena Khurtova MA PETITE CHERIE Ostrov MOTSURE HOTSURE TSUMUGU Marco Van Duyvendijk MY AIR FORCE Vojtech Veskrna PIZZA HUNT Ho Hai Tran & Chloe Cahill OPERATION OLYMPIAD Alessandro Perini RECRUIT Hiroshi Okamoto SIGNS Akkara NakTamna TIM! GO AWAY! Tim Soter UNTITLED Ryan Foerster ZATO Sergey Novikov 2015 SHORTLIST BLEU Alex F. Webb Beautiful Pig Ben Schonberger Lockdown Archive Mike Mandel & Chantal Zakari Adrift Ben Alper A Sudden Drop Sveinn Fannar Johansson The Meteorite Hunter Alexandra Lethbridge Actions of Consequence Lucy Helton Wild Pigeon Carolyn Drake Spook Light Chronicles Lara Shipley & Antone Dolezal Will They Sing Like Raindrops or Leave Me Thirsty Max Pinckers Deliberate Operations Everything is Collective M Misha Pedan 51170 Erin Bradley Scott & Kat Loudon H. Said He Loved Us Tommaso Tanini 2005 Thora Dolven Balke Pain Tony Amengual Dear Japanese Miyuki Okuyama Shauna 2007-2009 Sean Lee Dreaming Leone Alvaro Deprit Red String Yoshikatsu Fujii